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Kelly Hill & Joe Crawford — Minted

Kelly Hill


Joe Crawford

Wedding Party

Ally Hill

Maid of Honor

Ally and I go way back (well, actually, all the way back to the day she was born). Ally is not only my sister, but she is also my built in best friend. From a quiet little girl, to now the loudest and most outgoing person in a room, Ally’s bubbly personality is known and loved by all. She is full of laughs, wild stories, and dramatic/hysterical reenactions.

To many people, Ally and I are polar opposites: she’s a fashionista, she is super outgoing, and she is humbly confident, all of which I’m not. However, as we get older, I find myself looking more to my little sister for advice, and I sometimes begin to notice that although we may have different traits, we may not be so different after all. I hope some of her traits continue to rub off on me, because I know they will make me a better person.

One of the things I love most about Joe, is how well he gets along with my sister. Ally gives Joe clothing advice (which he takes), Joe gives Ally life advice (which she sometimes takes), they joke around with each other as if they have known each other their whole lives, and they seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s company. They have a great relationship, and I can’t wait to see it grow stronger when Joe becomes Ally’s brother-in-law!

Ally is the greatest girl, and I am more than lucky to be so close with her. Ally is also the hair stylist and makeup artist behind most of my pictures! None of this will change on our wedding day, as she will be the one to do my makeup and touch up my hair, all while standing beside me as my maid of honor as Joe and I say “I do!”

Jessica Reuther


Jessica has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. She was my 4th grade Titanic presentation partner, my middle school “love of my life” (as that was her self-assigned contact name in my first ever cell phone), my high school basketball bus buddy, my favorite college visitor, and my current go-to girl. Jessica has been there for me through it all - sometimes with advice more brutally honest than expected, but all to genuinely help me make the right decisions.

Jessica is one of the busiest people you will ever meet (seriously, if you want to hang out with her, make sure to get your calendar out because she will pencil you in months in advance), but if I am ever in need, she will drop anything she is doing, regardless of its importance, to help me out. She is a true friend and I am so fortunate to have become and remained such good friends with her over the years.

As most people may not know, Jessica and I shared Joe the first year we were dating: Jessica was Joe’s weekday girlfriend, and I was his weekend girlfriend (that is obviously just a joke, but them joking around like this shows how close Jessica and Joe are, which is what I love about both of them - they both made an effort to get to know each other, because they knew I’d want nothing more than for my best friend and boyfriend/fiancé to have a strong friendship).

I know I can count on Jessica to be the one on my wedding day to make sure she has tissues for me, to ensure my dress is on correctly, and to stop me from dragging toilet paper on my shoe, which she may have pointed out once or twice before. For these reasons, and many more, I know she is a great choice to stand beside me on my wedding day as I marry the second “love of my life!”

Moira Harper


Moira is my college best friend. Moira and I quickly bonded over the struggles of financial accounting class, the toughness of rowing practice 2ks, and the difficulties of eating edamame (FYI - eat the beans, not the shells). Moira and I have worn matching Halloween costumes for years, including costumes such as Heisenberg vs Walter White and Steve Harvey’s Miss Universe mix-up (she agreed to wear these costumes even though she had no idea what either of them were - that’s how sweet she is!).

Moira and I were also college roommates - well, not officially, but due to some ceiling leakage issues, we shared a room for weeks during college, and she was a great roommate to have! Beginning then, and still to this day, we borrow each other’s clothes and shoes, send each other cute dog pictures out of the blue, tell each other our most embarrassing stories, and go to each other if we need help making a decision. Moira is one of the sweetest and funniest girls I know, and her laugh is contagious. She can easily brighten anyone’s day and she knows exactly what to say when her friends need advice.

As many people may know, Moira played a huge role in mine and Joe’s relationship. She is the one who introduced us, she was there the night we “officially” started dating, and she was also there celebrating with tears of joy when Joe got down on one knee to propose to me. So, since she was there through it all, and for dozens of other reasons, it only makes sense that she stands beside me as I marry the love of my life!

Molly MacDonald


Molly has been my longest best friend, which means that she has been by my side through more than any friend has - through the tough times (broken bones, seasickness, ice skating falls), and the great times (attending AC Moore art classes, meeting the Jonas Brothers, *almost* sipping a beer on senior week, swimming with sharks while living to tell the tale, celebrating our graduations, and being there for my engagement. We’ve literally been through it all together, so I think it’s only right that we keep that up as she stands beside me on my wedding day.

One of the best qualities of Molly, in my opinion, is how close she is with my family. My family is so important to me, so Molly’s close relationship with them makes me love her even more. She has been on numerous Hill family vacations, and has even hung out with my family when I haven’t been around, just because they genuinely enjoy each other’s company. Every now and then, Molly and my mom will be telling “remember when” stories, and sometimes when I ask when these stories were from and why don’t I remember them, they say “oh it’s because you weren’t there.” Although that inflates my FOMO, I love those stories because they are always so funny and I know they make the listeners happy.

Also, Molly received West Scranton’s superlative of “most bashful girl,” but wow, have times changed! Wait until you see her tearing up that dance floor - Miss Bashful no more!

PS: If anyone sees Molly or I near saltwater and sun leading up to the big day, please stop us - our lips don’t react well to that combination!

Brittany DeLeo


Brittany and I go way back - we were preschool best friends! It was an unlikely match - I was always the tallest girl in class and she was the tiniest, I was grossed out by pickles, but she LOVED pickles on a stick (altough to this day she denies it), and I have absolutely no rhythm, but she’s been a dancer all her life. although we have so many differences, it’s like what they say - opposites attract!

Since a young age, Brittany and I have acted like sisters (maybe a little too much so - we used to pull each other’s hair until our parents separated us - but look at us now)! It also helps that our moms are BFFs (so cute)! Our families have taken so many trips together over the years, mostly to theme parks such as Knobles, Claws & Paws, Hershey, and the Land of Make Believe (which we still can’t even verify if that was a real park or if we just made it up, hence the name). After maintaining a friendship throughout all these years, it only makes sense to have her stand beside me as I say “I do!”

Plus, we are considering re-opening our elementary school business, “Tatoo Mania” (which is custom temporary gel-pen tattoos co-owned by Brittany and I), to help fund the wedding! If anyone is interested in scheduling an appointment, please reach out!

Nicole Bieri


John Hill

Father of the Bride

The funniest guy I know. My first dance partner. The man who taught me all my handy skills (whether they’re good enough for him to admit or not). I am the luckiest to such an amazing guy as my dad.

From teaching me magic tricks to teaching me how to bust a move (ex: the shopping cart, the sprinkler, and the q-tip), my dad has always been, in my eyes and in the eyes of many others, the coolest guy in the room. I will always try to follow in his fun-loving footsteps.

Although we have had many dances together, I know our father-daughter wedding dance will always be my favorite and I can’t wait to share that experience with him! Plus, I can’t wait for everyone in attendance to witness his dance skills!

Jean Hill

Mother of the Bride

Where do I begin!? My role model. My best friend. My go-to girl. I am so fortunate to have the best woman in the world as my mom. Although I no longer live at home, she still starts each day off for me on a positive note by sending me a smiling Snapchat selfie each morning at 7:15AM on the dot. I look forward those snapchats each day, as well as all of our texts, calls, and FaceTimes. She makes life so great.

I hope to one day be even half the woman she is. She and my dad have set such high expectations for Joe and I as a couple, which we will continue strive to reach throughout our relationship and marriage.

I can’t wait for our big day so everyone can see my beautiful mom and her killer dance moves!

Steve Harper

Best Man

Steve and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We’ve had many great times together including numerous vacations, basketball, golf, casino and the list goes on. He is a great person and an even better friend. We are honored for Steve to share such a very special day in our lives.

Justin Vent


Justin: Also known as ‘hack‘ or ‘hack daddy.‘ Justin is probably the smartest friend in our group with an even bigger heart. Justin has grown very close to Kelly and I over the years and we are honored to have him share a special day in our lives.

Gary Cologne


Gary is the greatest student of all time, a true grinder, filled with grit and determination to be the best physical therapist possible. Gary, I wouldn’t have gotten through PT school without you, thank you for pushing me for the grueling three years, just remember who got the higher score on our board exam ;). You have definitely seen me at my highs and lows so it’s only fitting your there on the greatest day of my life.

Matt Vent


Matt is a caring and altruistic person and I am so glad he was able to find the love of biz life in Lindsay. It seems only fitting that you be by my side as I marry the love of my life.

Jeff Vent


To the younger brother I never had: we’ve always joked about you not being part of the group but today sir, you’ll always be part of mine and Kelly’s group. Thanks for being such a good friend to not only me but Kelly as well. We are honored to have you stand by us on our special day.

Joe Nath


To the friend I have known since kindergarten days: you taught me what it took to dominate on the Garrettford basketball courts. Your humor outshines all and you always know how to lighten a mood. We are honored to have you stand by us on our special day.

Kevin Crawford

Father of the Groom

Dad, the lover of all things that include dogs and green tea. Thanks for always supporting me and being the best hockey coach I ever had. You have always been a great role model and shaped me into the man I am today. I can’t wait to share such a special day with you. I love you.

Debbie Crawford

Mother of the Groom

Mom, a true warrior. Someone who has always gone to bat for me and has had my back through thick and thin. Thanks for all you have done for me over the last 27 years to support me and make me as successful as I am today. I hope you are excited as we are about our special day and we can’t wait to share those moments with you. I love you.